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  • Hanging With Hearne This Holiday #2

    Hanging With Hearne This Holiday #2

    Hello Hearne Fam!

    I cannot believe we are already in the Christmas season countdown, can you? Our family has been rocking around the tree, snuggling up with cocoa, and of course, taking time to create gifts for all of you. This year we are practicing our holidays at Hearne Dry Goods a touch differently. Although we love crafting and supporting Santa and his elves, we aren’t forgetting what this season is truly about! With each Farm Charm piece from our fall and winter collection, we are adding a reflection of the season and how it makes us feel. We cannot wait to share more with you on our social media outlets, and until there is a bit more for you to celebrate, join us as we continue to Hang With Hearne This Holiday!

    In Unity,


    Giving: Our Christmas season began with our mission and charity, Lwala Community Alliance. We gave and honored our charity of choice this December 1, which was also Giving Tuesday! As a reminder, with every purchase we give back to Lwala, and we have you to thank for making families' health and wellness across the globe come to fruition. This Harvest Scarf Mask both was inspired by Africa and the times we are in to be everything including grateful!


    Peace: ‘Twas a few weeks before Christmas … and we were taking some time to stop and breathe. Snuggling on the couch with cocoa is a great way for us to celebrate this holiday season and even though I’m wearing leisurewear, I’m not sacrificing fashion! These Bonfire Studs are everyday must-haves. You’ll feel put together even though you never left the house. Mentally, I need that these days—don’t you?

    Surrender: Rock around the Christmas tree with your favorite Hearne looks OR perhaps you want to get wild and even decorate the tree with your favorite earbobs! If we have learned anything this year, it’s to be flexible and surrender!

    Spirit: Is there anything more graceful than angel wings? I brought back these Hearne favorites (and Rachel Ray’s, too) just for you! With the spirit of the holiday in mind, these sweet yet classic feathers will make you feel angelic and remind us all of the real reason for this joyous season!


    Cherish: It’s not about the things (although we love making things for you)—it's the people, especially the ones we love! How sweet it is to be cherished!


    Connection: These bangles to me symbolize the circle of life and our everlasting connections to one another! For without one, where is the other? WE are a WE, especially these days! May the circle never be broken!


  • Hanging With Hearne This Holiday

    Hello Hearne Friends and Supporters,
    Happy holiday season! We love the holidays—the bright lights, the festive cheer, and, of course, a chance for Santa to be in our workshop. This season, we are here to share in the festive spirit and launch our 2020 Holiday in Hearne series, Hanging With Hearne This Holiday. We will be reflecting on various themes this season, and instead of the 12 days of Christmas, we are celebrating the holiday all month long with all sorts of spirited styles and collaborations, all under the name, “Hanging With Hearne This Holiday!”

    Here is a sneak peek of some of Hanging With Hearne This Holiday! Please join us and share your spirit—we are all in this together!


    Giving: This holiday is the season of giving, offering your time and collective talents, we start on December 1 which is Giving Tuesday. We are always about giving back—our mission Lwala Community Fund is what keeps our spirits higher to a greater purpose. Consider them when you are thinking of giving back this season, especially today!
    Love: It’s what makes the world go round and this year, love is especially essential. Our love is what keeps things moving and our connection to each other is what motivates me to create for you! Morgan and I have a fun date night planned and will be sharing on Instagram stories! Stay tuned! 
    Cheer: The holidays are all about being merry and bright! We love sharing our Farm Charms with you—this year, bring the simplicity and cheer of the season into your homes, one piece of Hearne jewelry at a time. Looking forward to “toasting” and roasting by the fire this holiday!

    Joy: ‘Tis the season of joy being a part of our lives, our homes, and in our community—we definitely can use it and sprinkle it where and when we can, right? 

    Warmth: Maybe it’s with some cozy hot chocolate around the tree or maybe with your words or thoughts—this is the time to be warm, to offer warmth, and to spread it in any way we can! Our bonfire studs remind us of the cozy campfire too!

    Follow along on our socials for more themes to keep the holiday energy and spirit alive—with each theme there will be some special treats from Santa and his elves along the way!

  • Grateful. Thankful. Blessed!

    Grateful. Thankful. Blessed!
    Hello Hearne friends!

    With the season of gratitude upon us, we are gearing up for some of the busiest days of the year for this little business. You know those days after you have had your turkey and you all really start thinking about the holidays? Yes, they are coming up before we know it! Lucky for you, we are starting the festivities now with some fun Hearne-meets-holiday surprises! If ever there was a time to feel grateful, thankful, and blessed it is now!

    Grateful: We are grateful for YOU—all of our customers who believe in us, love our mission, and wear our hard work!

    Thankful: We have an abundance of blessings, but we are thankful for the colors, light, and love of the Farm Charm collection!

    Blessed: We try each day to start with prayer and end with a feeling of blessing—it is in the very fiber of our work!

    Black Friday may look a little different this year—stay safe with our face scarfs and touchless key chains.

    Save the date for Small Business Saturday! 2020 has been anything but kind to us small businesses, we look to you for the support you have been giving us and cannot thank you enough for the love! We will be hosting sales and giveaways on our Instagram page! (Hint, hint: there will be a few one-of-a-kind gifts we are sharing only on this day!) think...25% off~!!!

    Cyber Monday is one of our busiest sale days of the year! Save the date, set your alarm, tell Siri not to forget—we will be waiting for you on the other side of the cyber world with Farm Charm goodies! 

    Giving Tuesday, as a reminder we give generously from ALL sales to the Lwala Community Alliance and Tuesday we will be focusing on this charity and all they do to give back, and support women and children in Africa!

    Our Mission is the Lwala Mission:

    To build the capacity of rural communities to advance their own comprehensive wellbeing. Here is a bit about the community and how it has evolved with YOUR support over the last 13 years. 

  • A Grateful, Thankful Farm Charm Thanksgiving

    A Grateful, Thankful Farm Charm Thanksgiving

    Hello Hearne Friends,

    If ever there was a time to celebrate both gratitude and the simpler times, it’s now—this is our Thanksgiving to really practice gratitude. It’s been quite the year—so many unexpected events canceled, delays in plans, and living in the times of a pandemic is something we never thought possible. However, here we are and here at Hearne, we would like to embrace what we can change even if that is something as simple as your earbobs or necklace. We continue to move along with grace and style with our mission beneath our wings and the harvest season of Thanksgiving to embrace. This season, we welcome our farm charms, and no matter what your fall and winter hold, we hope they bring you some cheer.

    Silo and Soy Bean Sunday

    This Sunday before Thanksgiving we will pay homage to the silo which houses all of our crops for the year and inspires the heart of the home to be filled with the cooking and baking of this season—be on the lookout for special sales of our Silo and Soybean pieces during this holiday season.

    Creek Peek Monday 


    The vibrant blue waters of a fresh creek at high harvest are like no other to drift us into the peace and calm of the season of change, and this bright blue necklace does just that!

    Toasting Around The Bonfire Tuesday 

    Whether you are toasting marshmallows for a family favorite sweet potato casserole or toasting bubbly with your best bud, our Bonfire studs and Bangles are the perfect holiday combo.

    Wagon Wheel Wednesday 

    Whether you are hopping on the tractor and getting the pumpkin patch party started with your family or just embracing these tassel bobs for their fun and festive spirit, we welcome it all and encourage you to roll along with the wagon wheel!

    Thank you for this Thanksgiving Thursday 

    Friends, family, the ones closest to you—give them all you’ve got this Thanksgiving.

    Hay Bale Happy Hour Friday

    After all your hard work and thoughtfulness in the kitchen this Thanksgiving, why not take a break in a field of flowers with our hale bale necklace? It’s a simple meets classic look!

    Scarecrow Saturday


    We wouldn't have the bounty of our harvest without the scaring of the crows. This iconic symbol of both fall and the season of thanks is inspired by the creature that is meant to scare away the black crow to add more bounty to our harvest, and it is also the perfect complement to her sister necklace, the Hay Bale.